To celebrate MOSCOT's 110th Anniversary, we embarked on a groundbreaking journey through time, using Artificial Intelligence to recreate twelve decades of NYC style. This campaign, crafted with Lisbon-based fine art photographer Julien Roubinet, blends cutting-edge AI with traditional photography, marking a first in the eyewear world.
Over five months, we generated hundreds of AI-powered images, each capturing the essence of New York City from the early 1900s to today. From the tenement-filled streets of the early 1900s, the glitz of the Roaring '20s, to the vibrant Hippie and Disco eras, and the high-powered Wall Street of the '80s, each image reflects a distinct era. From these, we handpicked 12 striking visuals – but that was just the beginning.
To bring the glasses to life, we photographed 12 iconic MOSCOT frames on mannequin heads, carefully matching the lighting, angles, and perspective of the AI models. The final step? Ensuring authenticity. By retouching and compositing the eyewear into the AI images, and matching the film stocks of each decade, we created visuals that appear as though they were captured in their respective eras – seamlessly blending history and innovation. This project not only highlights MOSCOT’s timeless style but also pushes the boundaries of modern photography, marking a new chapter for the brand at 110 years.
About the artist
Fine art photographer Julien Roubinet has spent the past decade exploring America’s countercultures through various themes, subjects, and techniques. Recently, he began integrating Artificial Intelligence into his work. While the technology sparks debate for Julien and the creative community, its impact is undeniable. AI hasn't replaced his practice – it has deepened his fascination with photography.