Your vision and overall eye health are very important to us. The team of MOSCOT eye doctors will not only provide clearer vision but will also check for various silent eye maladies (ex: glaucoma) that can permanently affect your sight.
With 105 years of eye care expertise, Dr. Harvey Moscot’s team of doctors will…
1. Discuss any current issues you are having with your eyes or vision. This includes your visual lifestyle; hours on a computer screen, prolonged close work, etc.
2. Assess your current visual function with your existing glasses.
3. Accurately determine your new eyeglass prescription based on your occupational and lifestyle needs.
4. Examine the health of the front of your eye and determine whether you are producing enough tears (dryness), showing any early signs of cataracts, or any other conditions such as allergies and contact lens over-wear (if applicable) that effect the front tissues of the eyes.
5. Examine the back tissue and most critical part of the eye, aka, the retina. Our doctors can assess your overall heath during this portion of the examination and diagnose, in the early stages, conditions such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol just from viewing the back of your eye! This can be done with or without a dilation as MOSCOT utilizes the latest Optomap Imaging Technology that captures a wide field of view of your retina without eye drops!
6. Take the pressure inside your eye which can help determine risk of developing Glaucoma.
7. Finally, explain all our findings and navigate the different optical lens options that are best for your individual needs. We will make recommendations that will help to improve comfort and protect as well as preserve your vision!
Your vision is our concern!